الثلاثاء، أكتوبر 25، 2011

Is Justin Bieber gay هل جستين بايبر الحلو مثلي


حوار عجبني ( مفبرك طبعا خخخ)

Guys, we can't say if Justin is a Guy or a Gay..
Don't judge him...why don't you just wait
Justin to tell us.. If he was a Guy/Gay :)

'cause !

Fans say :
Justin is not a Gay

haters say :
Yes, he is a Gay

wth !? Who are you going to believe?

A fan that don't really know if Justin is a Gay...
They are just protecting him

or his hater that don't know too if he was a Gay...
They are only making his name bad

--Don't Judge People Guys :) Anonymous
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لمعرفة البقية ونقاش الناس عنه


في رائي الشخصي
هو حلو مافي اي كلام طبعا وانا من المتابعين ليه ومحبي اغانيه هو صحيح عمره صغير 15 او 16 سنة بس اعتقد انه لسه ما حدد هالنقطة
انه مثلي او لاء لكن لكل نجم ساطع غيوم قد تحجبه او تظن به الظنون ولا اقصد هنا انه كونه مثلي انه شي سئ لكن ما ارريد استبق الحدث واقول انه جي او لاء ولا شنو رايكم

Justin Bibers fan is mostly teenage you are a public person you attract either hate or love or absolutely mindless worship(teenage girls)..what dream? Justin Bibers dream isn t a normal dream..he is a product..each and everyone should prussic hes or her dream..not the dream of a barbie doll.


as i received

Is Justin Bieber Gay

The popular teenager has been on the news all over the world every now and then. Rumors about his much speculated girlfriend Selena Gomez and the latest shocker is Justin Bieber gay sent waves in the media. This Canadian born, Brit award winner has been bold in putting his views about the social problems and saying the right things upfront.

Justin started his career only after posting his performing videos and music on the most popular YouTube in 2007. There have been multiple hits and millions of fans shared this link just by word of mouth. You tube channel with Justin Bieber singing songs of Usher and Stevie Wonder got more than 100 million hits. The next thing you know is Island records chose to sign up with Justin Bieber in 2008. This 16 year old heartthrob of millions is always part of controversies, especially since he has shown courage to stand up against the homosexuality label and abortions amongst teens.

In the interview with a celebrity magazine Justin mentioned how sexuality was a choice rather than some uncontrollable part of life. This has raised hue and cry forcing many people to ask is Justin Bieber gay! The statement was clear that it is everyone’s own decision and there is no effect on any individual of this sexuality status.

Teen icons do come and go on a frequent basis, how did Justin Bieber manage to stay? The 2011 Grammy awards had his name nominated for People’s Choice Awards for the Favorite Breakout Artist title. Two more Grammy awards were including the nomination of this popular music artist also under the scanner for hearsay involving news is Justin Bieber gay! The favorite numbers “somebody to Love”, “Baby” and “U Smile” has fans screaming and enjoying every performance of this singer.

Popular and successful youth icons and celebrities have accepted this young man’s success. Usher has named the recognition of Justin as a “young phenomenon”. The history of music industry over the globe has changed all with the debut album of this singer. Record has been created as first solo music artist has been in the top 100 charts of Billboard for four different songs even before album release. The tunes include “Favorite Girl”, “Love Me”, “Lone Time” and “One Less Lonely Girl” in the top lists.

No wonder the opinion and status of this celebrity matters to paparazzi and the fans in different ways. You always want to know is Justin Bieber gay when you listen to his songs at the shopping malls, at parties, social network shared videos and even among your friends.

Lately the Collaborative video of Year Award has been handed down to “That Should Be Me” music video. There are more titles to be added to the list just as the MTV Movie Award in 2011. Still the statement makes all the fans wonder is Justin Bieber gay! A fan base of 10 million on Twitter and Facebook can spread the news about his opinions quickly

مثلي او مش مثلي برضو حتابعه

هناك 3 تعليقات:

OmaniG يقول...

هلا غريب عجبني الموضوع وحبيت اعلق....امممم بصراحة انا مو متايعين جستن بس اعرفه ومر علي كذا مره لاول وهله قالت هذا اكيد جي بس بعدين قلت لسه الحكم بكير عليه لان لسه صغير وقد يكون غير متأكد من ميوله الجنسية بعد شكرا عالموضوع الحلو وتحياتي لك صديقي ^^

تطبيقات يقول...

هذا لا يصلح رجل ولا امرآه

غير معرف يقول...

جاستن بيبر موب قي
وباين عليه انه موب قي يمكن شكله بنوتي وحلو
بس هذا ابدا ما يعطي انطباع عنه انه قي
هو عند جيرل فريند وبيموووت فيها وهذي الجيرل فريند رقم 2
في رقم 1 بس انفصل عنها وحبيبته سيلينا جوميز
ولو تشوف شلون عايش معاها كأنهم متزوجين بسرير واحد
اكبر دليل انه موب قي